NOTE:  This toolkit is being made available by The WOW Business Advisory in an effort to help businesses create jobs and strengthen communities.


Welcome to Drive My Biz to WOW

The Drive My Biz to WOW online toolkit is a project of The WOW Business Advisory and is based on the "Five P" model of professional management that was first introduced in the book, Five P's to a "WOW!" Businesswritten by Bill Matthews.

The Five P model is a simple, sequential, repeatable process depicted graphically as a Racetrack.

  • You begin by completing the WOW Business Assessment Survey, which provides your organization with a baseline score between 0 and 100, while also identifying exactly what issues need to be addressed.
  • You then follow the Five P process and its 23 sequential steps.  Each step includes a video and an accompanying exercise found in the downloadable Driver's Logbook.  While we highly recommend that you follow the steps in sequence, you're free to select any tool you need, and in any order.
  • To monitor your progress, be sure to complete the WOW Business Assessment Survey periodically to see how your organization's score has changed.


If You Need Assistance

Users of the toolkit don't often ask for help, but if the need arises, just contact us with your specific question.


Click on the Tool You Need

IMPORTANT:  Before you begin to use the tools below, be sure to view the first video, "Introduction and Instructions."  Then download a copy of the "Driver's Logbook," and complete the First Logbook Exercise to establish your baseline score on the WOW Business Assessment Survey.  If you decide to use the electronic version of the Logbook, and need help setting it up, the process is explained in the video, "Introduction and Instructions."


Drivers Logbook Print Version
PDF – 2.0 MB
Drivers Logbook Electronic Version
PDF – 2.2 MB


The First "P," Planning

Step 1:  Creating a Personal Vision (VIDEO)

Step 2:  Organizational Vision, Mission, Values, and Beliefs (VIDEO)

Step 3:  Analyzing the External Environment (VIDEO)

Step 4:  The SWOT Analysis (VIDEO)

Step 5:  Revisiting the Organizational Vision (VIDEO)

Step 6:  Identifying Key Issues and Priorities (VIDEO)

Step 7:  Establishing Quantitative Expectations for Each Issue/Priority (VIDEO)

Step 8:  Creating Action Plans, Due Dates, and Assigning Responsibility (VIDEO)

Step 9:  Allocating Resources to Accomplish Action Plans (VIDEO)

Step 10:  Establishing and Adhering to a Regular Review Process (VIDEO)


The Second "P," People

Step 11:  Determining Organizational Structure (VIDEO)

Step 12:  Identifying Skill Sets Needed (VIDEO)

Step 13:  Creating/Updating Job Descriptions (VIDEO)

Step 14:  Assessing Current Employees to Determine Who Fits (VIDEO)

Step 15:  Establishing a Budget for Training and Development (VIDEO)

Step 16:  Creating Individual Development Plans for Each Employee (VIDEO)

Step 17:  Determining New Employees Needed, and Recruit (VIDEO)


The Third "P," Processes

Step 18:  Evaluating/Revising Processes (VIDEO)


The Fourth "P," Performetrics

Step 19:  Establishing Individual Metrics for Each Employee (VIDEO)

Step 20:  Conducting Regular Performance Appraisals (VIDEO)

Step 21:  Conducting Employee Surveys (VIDEO)

Step 22:  Creating Tracking Reports to Maintain Control (VIDEO)

Step 23:  Monitoring Board Performance (VIDEO)


The Fifth "P," Passion

Passion to Be the Best (VIDEO)


Free E-Book on How to Share Your Legacy with Others (by Bill Matthews)

Your Next Checkered Flag
PDF – 31.0 MB